This Saturday is National Popcorn Day so be sure to grab your favorite flavored (or non-flavored) popcorn and enjoy one of our National favorite snacks!

We'd like to give a shout out to Donna at Pappy and Grammy's Popcorn in Evansville for the delicious bags of flavored popcorn, thank you!

Pappy and Grammy's Popcorn, Evansville; credit by D. Turner
Pappy and Grammy's Popcorn, Evansville; credit by D. Turner
  • Grippo's BBQ
  • Vanilla Marshmallow
  • Chocolate Toffee
  • Sea Salted Caramel

Donna knows how much I love popcorn.  In fact, I broke open all 4 bags and started munching away!  Soooo delicious!  You can find Pappy and Grammy's Popcorn at 5 North Morton Avenue, Evansville, IN.  Call them and order some - 812-550-7100.

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