The holiday season means one thing... FOOD, and lots of it.  I have been very careful about about my diet for the last four months, trying to limit myself to less than 20 carbs per day, but that went right out the window at Thanksgiving.

It will go out the window again at Christmas because the food at this time of year is just way too tempting!! There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence during the holidays as long as you get back on track after New Year's Day, with the exception of Super Bowl Sunday, of course...DUUUHH!

The folks at MSN put out a list of the 50 foods we should all avoid this holiday season....yeah, 50!!! I looked at that list and came away feeling the holidays are just pointless without these foods. I hate this list!!

Again, there are 50 foods on this list and to make my point, I made a list of my top ten from that list that are really bumming me out. Remember, there are 40 more beyond what I listed below.

  1. Pecan Pie - pecan pie...are you out of your mind?? That's like saying no air during the holidays.
  2. Cheesecake - This is so ridiculous, I refuse to comment.
  3. Pot Roast - Meat is a right of passage for us, right...whose with me?
  4. Eggnog - Well, OK, I just won't go to ANY Christmas parties then, so there!
  5. Swedish Meatballs - Usually a staple at any holiday party buffet table and they are awesome!!!!
  6. Candied Yams - While I don't like them, I think you can get a ticket in this country for NOT serving them at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner...I think it's a law.
  7. Cranberry Sauce - Again, I think it is illegal in this country to NOT have cranberry sauce on the table.
  8. Yorkshire Pudding - I'm actually fine with this one...I HATE Yorkshire Pudding...YUUUUKK!
  9. Sausage Stuffing - I just called my mother-in-law to tell her Christmas was cancelled. Sausage stuffing is a staple in her family.
  10. Prime Rib -  BULLS%#T! Our deepest primal instincts tell us loud and clear....PRIME RIB GOOD!

See what I mean? Those 10 are depressing enough. Talk about a holiday buzz kill.


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