-by Jackie McCarthy

Fall is my favorite season.  The colors of changing leaves make a quilt across the tree lines.  It brings about harvest and fall traditions. What to do with the kiddos that won't break the bank?

Hike in the Woods

Allow a few hours and venture out to your local county park walking trail. The trees in the trail are marked to distinguish the types. Take along only one cell phone for safety and have kids leave devices behind for the walk.

Allow time to notice things and take detours down steps of stone or maybe a fallen log. Look for lizards, a frog or squirrel. Become a tour guide and point things out. Take their photo at points they're most interested in as you go. Pack a picnic lunch and take advantage of the tables or maybe a blanket.  Bottled water and a sandwich is just the ticket after a hike in the woods! Maybe even collect some leaves in a Baggie and use crayons and paper to do leaf rubbings at home.  I still love the different shapes and sizes of leaves.  Place a sheet of paper over a leaf and color over it, viola, masterpiece!

Apple Picking

Apples and pmpkins are in season across the tri-state.  Maybe a trip to an orchard to actually see the apples on the tree or pick their own fruit. Apples can be purchased pre- picked also if that is more desirable.

Carve a Pumpkin, Clean Up Afterward

Pumpkin carving is messy so do this outside on some newspaper.  You'll need a container for the pulp. Allow the kids to reach in and clean out the seeds and mush. They will make faces and crinkle noses, keep a camera handy.  Allow them to carve with safety knives made for kids and give them creative license on their pumpkin. Does it really have to look perfect? Allow the kids to get dirty, refrain from taking over and just see what they create.  Enlist them in clean up after carving, it's a life lesson.  Adults can embellish design after the kids have finished, or not!

Each of these activities offer a lesson on nature, texture and dexterity.  Learning, enjoying fall and most important, making memories!

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