Fake Adam Levine Tried to Catfish Deb
I was tweeting with Adam Levine of Maroon 5 today! Last night during NBC's The Voice, I tweeted Adam Levine how impressed I was with Addison Agen's performance. He asked me how long had I been a fan.
So, I replied back to Adam that I'd been a fan for 15 years! Then during our conversation, things just didn't sound right. I was interested in getting some tickets to one of his shows and he put me in touch with his "agent." The so-called agent told me to go ahead and make the purchase of 10 tickets and that 6 tickets would be discounted if I purchased them today. I showed several people at the station my conversation only to find out it wasn't the REAL Adam Levine. It was a fake twitter account. WHAT? Not me!
Some sick dude was impersonating Adam Levine and I didn't check to make sure there was a blue check mark beside his name and how many followers he had.
This is the Fake Adam Levine Twitter Account
So, please be sure to check for the blue check mark beside the artist's name and don't give out personal information!