Chemo Patient Inspires Others by Wearing Costumes
Beth Bagwell Pendergrass is inspiring others through her Instagram Account. Beth has breast cancer, so to keep her spirits up, she started having fun dressing up as Pop Culture Icons. She says, "The pictures and words I write are reminders to me. I will be able to look back on them and remember that I am a strong person, I am a survivor and a fighter."
Week 35: "Haven't you heard? One is the new two." Miss Piggy I've never had a problem asserting my individuality as evidenced by this crazy way I've chosen to document my cancer journey 😜. We all have challenges in our lives, and we all choose to deal with them in our own way. There isn't one right way. You have to find what works for you. Taking a positive, humorous approach is what works for me. I believe attitude is everything, and I am the only one who can control my attitude and my response to my current situation. Viktor Frankl said, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." (Please note, he had it way worse than I have it.) I have chosen my way, and I have chosen my attitude. Both have gotten me through the last 9 months, and both will get me through the next 9 months as I have just started another lengthy round of chemo. I'm not excited about it, but I will do it--I will do it in my way. #breastcancer #susangkomen #StandUpToCancer #breastcancersurvivor #bethstrong A post shared by Beth Bagwell Pendergrass (@instabeth505) on
Week 1: My hills are alive with high grade DCIS. I believe there is so much truth in the statement, "Laughter is the best medicine." So, I have decided to document my cancer journey through picture reenactments. I will beat this thing, and I will keep the laughter. #cancersucks #attackingcancer #susangkomen A post shared by Beth Bagwell Pendergrass (@instabeth505) on
Source: [CBS News]
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