
Here’s How Much It Costs Per Year To Raise A Kid In Illinois
Here’s How Much It Costs Per Year To Raise A Kid In Illinois
Here’s How Much It Costs Per Year To Raise A Kid In Illinois
Learning how much it costs per year to raise a child in the state of Illinois should prompt a couple of different reactions. One reaction would be shock by those who haven't started a family yet but want to, and the other reaction would be relief by those of us who've already raised out kids and are glad that we don't have to shell out that cash any longer.
Illinois Had Some Weird Medical Questions For Google In 2024
Illinois Had Some Weird Medical Questions For Google In 2024
Illinois Had Some Weird Medical Questions For Google In 2024
Every year when a new calendar year starts, different "year end" lists start appearing to illustrate some of things we did and said in the previous year. Despite the dangers of doing so, many of us turn to Google for answers to our medical questions and concerns. Here are some of the stranger ones that people threw out there in 2024.
Road Salt In Illinois: Here’s How Much The State Uses Each Winter
Road Salt In Illinois: Here’s How Much The State Uses Each Winter
Road Salt In Illinois: Here’s How Much The State Uses Each Winter
We've all heard our region called "The Rust Belt," which is not the most pleasant description, but this region and several others around the nation are also called "The Salt Belt" due to the usage of road salt during wintertime conditions. So, how much salt do you think Illinois goes through each winter season?
Porch Pirates In Illinois Strike Most Often On These Two Days
Porch Pirates In Illinois Strike Most Often On These Two Days
Porch Pirates In Illinois Strike Most Often On These Two Days
With Illinois high on the list of states most affected by package thieves (or, porch pirates), you'd think that there were boxes being swiped off of Illinois' front porches every single day...and you would be exactly right. However, those who would steal your holiday joy are really most active on two particular days of the week.
Illinois Team Lands On "5 Most Expensive Tickets In Sports List"
Illinois Team Lands On "5 Most Expensive Tickets In Sports List"
Illinois Team Lands On "5 Most Expensive Tickets In Sports List"
Considering the standings over the last few years, it seems pretty hard to believe that one of these teams, the Cubs, the White Sox, the Bulls, or the Blackhawks would land near the top of the list of the most expensive game tickets in sports. Shouldn't you at least be a contender for that?

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