Watch Cute Pug Try and Bite Fish Through Aquarium Glass
Usually, we see cats trying to eat fish, but not this time.
Scrappy is your typical pug, just like to run and play and watch fish swim in their owner's aquarium and try and eat them. I loved my pug Pugsley, but he wasn't the brightest dog I've ever owned, and I think Scrappy is just like him. In the video, you can watch Scrappy try to catch the fish with his teeth only to be blocked by the glass in the aquarium.
Oh, Scrappy, nice try there buddy. At least he looks cute trying to catch the fish and hopefully he doesn't figure out that he can jump on the top of the tank and use his paw. Although, pugs are a little on the bulky side for their body weight. I am pretty sure the top of the tank would collapse in, cats are definitely lighter in that area. Someone get Scrappy a new chew toy (maybe of a fish) please.
Watching the video makes me miss my Pugster, and now I want a pug puppy again.