Volunteers Braved the Cold to Help Clean Mickey’s Kingdom Park
You know the saying, 'This is why we can't have nice things'? Well, we don't that to be said about Mickey's Kingdom! So, we are looking for volunteers from the Evansville area who love Mickeys Kingdom Park and want to help ensure it is clean and safe for our children. We are looking for (30) community volunteer “Mickey’s Clean Team” to sign up to clean Mickey’s Kingdom (1) morning a month to keep our park clean and safe for our children and families. Cleaning supplies will be provided. Since we have someone checking the park everyday, it doesn't take too much of your time to help out. We will be at Mickey's Kingdom the first Thursday of every month, and you are more than welcome to join us.
It was a chilly day for clean up, but we had some amazing helpers to chip in and get the job done!
Keep MY Kingdom Clean 1.2.20
Shawn King and his son, Dylan King (DDK) stopped by to see what fencing will need to be updated or repaired.
Kingdom Mr. Fence DDK
If you'd like to sign up a day, contact Mike Labitzke: MLabitzke@ewsu.com
Mickey's Kingdom was named after Mickey Phernetton, the daughter of Evansville Police Department Sgt. Patrick Phernetton. Mickey suffers from Prader-Willi Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes constant hunger, and other difficulties.
There's even a Little Library at Mickey's Kingdom!