Did you know there is a online test you can take that will tell you your love language? How fun is that?

"Take the 5 Love Languages® official assessment to discover your love language and begin improving your relationships.

Your love language profile will explain your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect to others."

It was really hard to answer some of these questions! like this one...

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I sat and stared at this question for while and then picked the one I thought was the best fit.

This one too...

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BOTH of these would just make me insanely happy! In the end I was not super surprised by the results...here they are!

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I love this! I asked my husband to take it too so I can be the best partner I can be and best communicate to him. They also have quizzes for appreciation, apology and anger assessment.


Maybe it will help your relationship!! You can also take it for your kids and see how can most effectively communicate with them.

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