I was surprised to learn that one of the strongest men in the WORLD lives right here in Owensboro. His name is Julius Maddox and when you look at him, you are faced with a giant of a man who emits physical strength but it's Maddox' spiritual strength that is the basis of his powerful message. As one of the top 10 leading strongest men in the world, Powerliftingwatch.com cited him as lifting 650 pounds but the story of how this amazing man transformed and gained his unbelievable brawn is a powerful and uplifting message.

Watch the video below as the 425 pound gentle weight lifter guides you through how to bench press on a stability ball. And, listen to Julius' story as told on my show, Shaped by Faith on WOMI on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 AM.

Julius is on staff at Friends of Sinners, known as FOS - A Christ-centered residential substance recovery program focusing on the restoration and reconciliation of men and women to Christ through biblical truths, accountability, and life skills. Check out the FOS Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Friends-of-Sinners-163352216910/timeline

Mark your calendar for the FOS banquet fundraiser on November 17 starting at 6:30 pm at Owensboro Christian Church, Entrance E.



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