The National Weather Service in Paducah is giving Tri-State residents a heads up that we're in for some hot weather beginning Thursday, and have also offered a few tips on how to stay safe during what they're calling "oppressive heat."

According to a special statement released Wednesday morning by the NWS,

An extended period of oppressive heat and humidity is forecast
late this week and lasting through the weekend. The heat will
begin to build today as high temperatures around 90 degrees
combine with very high humidity to yield peak heat index values of
100 to 105 across much of southeast Missouri, southern Illinois,
and west of the Land Between the Lakes in western Kentucky this

Even hotter conditions are expected on Thursday with highest heat
index values around 105 over the same general area, and readings
of 100 to 105 from southeast Illinois into southwest Indiana and
east of the Lakes in western Kentucky. While uncertain, the chance
for thunderstorms may offer some relief from the heat on Thursday.

By Friday, the entire region will be sweltering in the heat and
humidity, with highest heat index values from 105 to 110 expected.
A Heat Advisory will likely be needed by Friday, if not sooner.
The oppressive heat is forecast to last through the weekend as
well, with peak heat index values forecast above 100 each day.
About the only relief from the heat may come in the form of
isolated mainly heat of the day thunderstorms.

Use caution if you must be outside for any length of time. Wear
lightweight, light colored clothing. Take frequent breaks in the
shade or air conditioning. Drink plenty of water to replenish
lost fluids. Check on elderly neighbors and relatives who are more
susceptible to the heat. Keep your pets cool and hydrated. And
most importantly, never leave a child in a hot vehicle, even for
a short period of time!

Long story short, if you don't HAVE to be outside, don't. But if you absolutely have to for your job, or you're planning on heading to Shrinersfest along the Evansville riverfront this weekend, take these tips from the NWS to heart.

Stay safe!

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