If the Olde Courthouse Catacombs aren't freakin' scary enough, Phil Wolter has dedicated his life to turning the deep, musty catacombs into a bone-chilling haunted house experience.

This year's theme is Monster Dolls. According to the OldCatacombs.com website:

Some people believe that dolls can act as a vessel or ‘home’ for lost souls, angry spirits with nowhere to go and especially the spirits of children who were once associated with the doll may seek it out after death and possess it, preferring to remain in our world in whatever form is available rather than move on into the next.


Dolls have often been used in magic and witchcraft due to their replicated human form, with dead eyes they watch us, and observe us, and occasionally these scary dolls, like the rest of us, just want to play.

Phil works on his haunted masterpiece every single day and has been for many years. We got a private tour of the catacombs - sans actors and it was creepy enough by itself. Here's what we saw. Visit oldcatacombs.com for a schedule, pricing and directions.

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