Model Application OPEN for Girls: Embrace Your Body Photo Gallery
Project Reveal's Girls: Embrace Your Body is back for the 4th year!
Embracing and loving our bodies is a conversation that needs to be ongoing. It's vital to start these conversations early. Embrace Your Body is about loving and embracing our bodies TODAY! That doesn't mean stop achieving, gaining, loosing, accepting or whatever else you want for your body. It DOES mean allowing yourself to love you TODAY.
We can teach girls about respecting their bodies, being kind to themselves, loving who they are and giving others a little bit of grace. This is not always easy, but we can continue to work on it.
Project Reveal will pair a team of seven high school/college-aged young ladies who are interested in photography with seven professional photographer mentors to photograph 14 girl models.
The photos of the girls will express who they are, their interests, and how they feel about themselves.
NOTE: Your girl will need to be available for the photo shoot on the morning of Saturday, September 9.
These photos will be used for our Girls: Embrace Your Body event on November.