The holidays are fast approaching which means that time spent with friends and family is near. That also means you are going to quickly tire of the same family stories and dad-jokes you’ve heard for the past 9 years. You’re going to need something to pass the time while grandma yells at grandpa about the other woman’s name he got tattooed on him during the war. Why not grab some leftovers and binge-watch some of the best TV Netflix has to offer. Here are my humble recommendations!

Sons of Anarchy (7 Seasons)

“Hamlet with motorcycles” is how this series has often been described and that’s not far off. The show follows the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club as they fight rival gangs, avoid the police, and get as naked as basic cable allowed them (seriously, there is a lot of butt). The show is often brutal but isn’t without its charm. You’ll often find yourself laughing at situations you didn’t think were possible. The show gets super complicated during the last season and a half but, by that time, you’ll be so invested you won’t want to stop. The show also has a very satisfying conclusion.

Bob’s Burgers (4 Seasons)

I didn't think I'd enjoy this show when I first saw the previews for it. It looked like just another Simpsons rip-off. However, this show is anything but (I said “but” Tina, not “butt”). H. Jon Benjamin stars as the voice of Bob, the father of 3 kids, and owner of Bob’s Burgers. The show is filled with jokes that are so clever, and sometimes stupidly clever, that you spend more than ¾’s of an episode laughing. Not only is the main cast of characters fantastic, the side characters are equally as wonderful. If you need laughter in your holiday season, Bob’s Burgers is happy to oblige!

The Flash (1 Season)/ Arrow (3 Seasons)

The CW has completely knocked it out of the park with their superhero shows. Arrow is about Oliver Queen, a rich kid who gets stranded on an island, makes it back home, and vows to fight crime while under the guise of a vigilante who will arrow the crap out of you. The show is amazing for comic fans and non-fans alike. You’ll be trying to guess which hero will show up next, and after season 2, a very familiar speedster begins hanging out with the Arrow crew, in the form of the Flash.

The Flash is about forensic scientist, Barry Allan, who has a lab accident that grants him super speed. He meets up with a crew at STAR Labs who help him channel his new power. The Flash has amazing and charismatic villains, humor, and great special effects (especially for broadcast television). The standalone stories and crossover episodes give you everything you need for you to speed through awkward holiday family time!

Any series that I missed or shows that you would recommend? Drop a comment below!

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