With Thanksgiving on Thursday, we asked you what your favorite dish is!

We had a ton of responses to what everyone enjoys eating on Thanksgiving. Personally, my favorite is the cranberry sauce. Not the super gross relish kind, but the kind that keeps the shape of the can. Here is what you guys thought was the best dish!

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Kristy, Brittany, and April all said that sweet potato's were their favorite dish on Thanksgiving, although they all had some variations of how they liked them. Sweet potato casserole was overwhelmingly popular when discussing sweet potatoes!

Green Bean Casserole

This may actually be the best green bean casserole you ever make.

Lisha, Megan, and Candice all love enjoying some green bean casserole around the Thanksgiving table. My mom makes a mean green bean casserole so I'm definitely a fan of green beans in casserole form!


Pumpkin pie with one slice cut out, overhead view
Thomas Northcut

So many listeners listed pie as their favorite Thanksgiving treat. Pumpkin pie might be the the best thing ever so I am not surprised. The only downside is sometimes you don't save room for pie. Just kidding, there is always room for pie!

If you'd like to get in on the conversation, you can do so at the link below!

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