Can You Get Thru This List of Gross Things Southern Indiana Folks Have Stepped on Without Cringing?
It is not often that everyone can relate to a certain topic, but I'm pretty sure that 100% of the people who read this article can relate to and appreciate what I'm talking about. At some point in our lives, we have all been barefoot and stepped on something gross or painful, or both. We asked our listeners to share some of their worst experiences, and the result was better than I ever could have imagined.
Why We Love Being Barefoot
There is something primal and instinctual about walking barefoot - it connects to our ancestors who roamed the earth centuries ago. As adults, walking around barefoot might be a way to reconnect with our youth and a simpler, less stressful time in our lives. But let's not forget that walking barefoot isn't without its hazards. Shoes were invented for a reason, right?
Hazardous Categories
There is no shortage of things in the world that can make walking barefoot painful and unpleasant, and they can sorted into a few categories (all of which are represented in our gallery).
- Mother Nature: bugs, critters, reptiles, and plants
- The Earth Itself: rocks, pebbles, wood, sand, and asphalt
- Household & Hardware: tiny toys, glass, plastic, nails, and screws
- Bodily fluids: Do I really need to specify?
What's the Worst Thing You've Stepped On?
That's what we asked our audience, and their answers totally made us squirm. My own answer, by comparison, seems really tame (lame). The worst thing I could think of was a bee I stepped on as a kid. Take a look at the gallery below. Can you relate to any of these experiences? Have you stepped on anything worse?
15 of the Grossest, Most Painful Things You Can Step on Barefoot
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