Carol Adkins and Cindy Jean have been working with women in recovery for many years. Cindy became the first Women's Supervisor of Friends of Sinners in 2010 and Carol is a member of the Homeless Council of the Ohio Valley and the Alliance for a Drug Free Owensboro Daviess County. Both of these women help minister to the women at the Daviess County Detention Center.

They are both passionate about helping Women in need, especially those who need a Fresh Start in life. They noticed that many women complete treatment for alcohol and drug addictions and then return to their same dysfunctional way of living. Carol and Cindy wanted to do something to help these women so they brought their passions together to help women. They developed 'Fresh Start,' a transitional housing for women who have been incarcerated or have had some sort of conflict with criminal and civil law.

Their vision is to develop a community living situation for single women, or single women with children, who have completed an addition recovery program and are committed to a lifestyle change. They, along with many other volunteers in our community want to support and encourage these women as they take the next step toward independence by providing transitional housing for up to two years in order to modify destructive life-styles and to help prepare these women emotionally and financially to transition into permanent housing.

To learn more about the 'Fresh Start,' program you can attend the first Fundraiser on Saturday, September 10th at 9:00 am at the Logsdon Community Center on Friendship Dr. behind the Springs off Hwy 54. Free continental breakfast will be served and there will be a presentation to answer any questions about 'Fresh Start."

Carol and Cindy demonstrate for the first time a Kettle Bell Clean Exercise. Carol demonstrated the hinge forward Kettle Bell position and I had Cindy do a squat instead of a Kettle Bell hinge. They did great and I think the easiness of the exercise even surprised them!

For more simple exercises or inspiration go to :

Theresa head shot August 2016

Theresa Rowe is the Founder of Shaped by Faith, Author of Guideposts’ Shaped by Faith, 10 Secrets to Strengthening Your Body and Soul, a Motivational Wellness Speaker, Health Coach and Host of Shaped by Faith Radio.

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