‘Easter Bunny Helper’ Does All The Work!
If you are anything like me, it's the night before Easter, and I am looking for last years eggs. I can't find them and run out to get the last bag the store has. All the good candy is gone, and I am frustrated. SIGH.
Easter bunny watching the egg hunt
Well no more! Castle Show Choir can be your "Easter Bunny Helper"!! The bunny helper will come to your house the evening of Saturday, April 15th and place the eggs in your yard for your Easter egg morning hunt!
The eggs will be pre-filled with candy, small toys and stickers! How cool is that?
The hiding egg service is limited to Newburgh however you can arrange to pick up your pre-filled eggs.
Orders are due by April 1st.
Contact Sidney Hardgrave if you want an Easter Bunny Helper! sidneyhardgrave@gmail.com and phone 812-573-1454.