Hockey is coming to Sin City.

The NHL has given approval for an expansion team in Las Vegas, the first time the city will be home to a franchise in one of the four major North American sports leagues, as it transitions from the home of betting lines to the home of blue lines.

So, now the fun begins. The team needs a name and you can bet – pun intended – the franchise will come up with something memorable. After all, this is the league that, back in the early ‘90s, caught some flak after Anaheim, then owned by Disney, named its franchise after its Mighty Ducks film franchise. Much like Sebastian had to name the empress in The Neverending Story, ownership will now have to find the perfect name for its team, one that fits the iconic city like a perfect pair of skates.

And who knows, maybe other teams will be inspired to Vegas-ify their names (New York New York Rangers? San Jose Loan Sharks? St. Louis Blues Man Group?).

With that in mind, we offer up these kitschy monikers.

Sinners – It’s Sin City, right? Like standing on 13 when your dealer is showing a 6, it just makes sense. And this name gives them a chance to compete with the Saints in the best inter-sports rivalries.

Gamblers – This is about as obvious as it gets. And there’s precedent. Remember the USFL’s Houston Gamblers? Odds are this idea will go about as far as that 10-spot you put down at the blackjack table, though, because the NHL won’t be too keen on calling attention to wagering.

Strippers – Double entendre here. It can be an ode to the women who may do some less-than-savory things to make a buck or it can be a way to honor the city’s famed Strip. You decide.

Packers – There are multiple teams named Jets, Rangers and Giants. Why not Packers? In this instance, it can be a tribute to Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra and all the Rat Packers who helped put Vegas on the map.

Power – Las Vegas is trendy. It doesn’t need a team with an “s” at the end. Honor the concept of the power play -- and all the power the city consumes with its bright lights – with a simple yet, well, “power”-ful name.

Rollers – If only they were a roller hockey team, this would be perfect. Alas, it’s ice hockey, but Rollers is an acknowledgement of all the big-money people who frequent Las Vegas – and maybe those who pay for front-row seats.

Mirages – The Las Vegas Mirages. The iconic hotel just sounds neat as the name of a team, doesn’t it? Then again, so do the Las Vegas Venetians or Las Vegas Excaliburs. Las Vegas Circus Circuses, Las Vegas MGM Grands and Las Vegas Mandalay Bays? Not so much.

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