There is a Billboard in Southern Illinois Causing an Uproar
A billboard in Southern Illinois is causing a debate on free speech, what you should be allowed to advertise, and what you shouldn't be allowed to advertise. See what the billboard says for yourself and let us know what you think should be done about it...
According to NPR Illinois, there is a billboard in Southern Illinois near Carbondale that reads...
"ABORTION IS OK (and below that in smaller font says) You Know What's Right for You"
In the article on NPR Illinois, they say...
"...a national organization called Shout Your Abortion, which works to destigmatize the procedure. The group aims to offer support to thousands of people coming to Illinois for an abortion from states that enacted tight restrictions since last year. The group has installed six billboards on I-55."
Apparently, the six billboards you will see along the way from Tennessee to Illinois, people have been increasing their visits to Illinois for the abortion procedure the article mentions. And that these billboards are in place to counteract the billboards along that same corridor that are shaming people who are traveling north to Illinois to have an abortion, to read more on this click here!
Ok...there is a lot to unpack here...I will just simply say this, if there are legal billboards up that are telling people they shouldn't have an abortion as they are traveling north to Illinois to possibly have an abortion, then they absolutely should allow these pro-abortion billboards. If you are legally allowed to advertise for abortions you should legally be allowed to advertise against abortions, and that's what it seems like is happening. Clearly, this part of the country is unique in the sense that Illinois is the only state close for people in Missouri, Tennessee, and other states to get an abortion if they choose to do that, so it isn't surprising to see attention and money being spent on that issue in this area.
Do you think all these billboards should be allowed up?