I love! love! love! Peppermint Mocha's.  It's one of my guilty pleasure's during the holidays!  I discovered by making my own, I can save a penny or two! 

Peppermint Mocha; credit by Deb Turner
Peppermint Mocha; credit by Deb Turner

On average, it costs around $4.50 - $5.00 for just one cup of your favorite holiday coffee drinks at your local coffee shop.  I recently found a container of Starbucks pre-mixed peppermint mocha at Marshall's. Yes!  I instantly scooped it up for about $5.00 for an entire can ( 8 -10oz.)  Now, I can make lots and lots of my own peppermint mochas.

I use skim milk and mix about 2 tablespoons of the instant PM and it's just as delicious as the store-bought one!  Sometimes, I throw in mini marshmallows or use lite whipped cream for a topping!

You can also use cocoa or hot chocolate mixed with drops of peppermint flavoring or syrup to make peppermint mochas, too! I've even used pieces of peppermint candy and dropped it into my drink for a great flavor. Mmmmm!

#InstantYumminess   #GottaHaveaPM  #DebsGuiltyPleasure  #LovePeppermintMochas

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