Kentucky State Police Hosting Virtual Halloween Costume Contest for Kids
Do your kids have their Halloween costumes for this year's festivities? If they're like I was, they already do.
When I was trick-or-treating age, I could not WAIT to go costume shopping--this, despite the fact that I usually found them to be terribly uncomfortable.
One year, I went as a Hot Wheel driver. I always wanted to shrink down to size and drive a Hot Wheel and when I saw the Hot Wheel driver costume at the store, I had to have it.
But that vinyl-based costume and that thick plastic mask did not make for a fun night of Halloween merriment that year (whatever year it was; can't remember), since it had been a rainy and, consequently, WARM evening. My dad was none too thrilled about either; he took me around that night and NEVER liked getting wet, unless he was in a swimming pool.
My all-time favorite costume was the Incredible Hulk. All I needed to purchase was a bunch of green make-up. Then I tore up an old shirt and an old pair of pants and I was good to go. And, as a bonus, that Halloween was a very warm one and I went barefoot. The icing on the cake.
I even revisited the Hulk costume as an adult.
So get all kinds of creative and submit your photo to the Kentucky State Police's Virtual Costume Contest, which is replacing its annual drive-through Halloween event, an annual staple in Frankfort that has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here are the rules for entering:
Good luck.

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