Indiana Dog Shelter Shares Before & After Pics of “Moxie” & Her Miraculous Recovery
It is not uncommon for people like me, people who post content online every day, to use words in headlines that are meant to grab your attention. Let's keep it real, I want you to read my articles. Sometimes - NEVER from me - those headlines can be a bit misleading, and the articles - again, NEVER from me - can be disappointing. I am here to tell you, right now, that this is NOT one of those times - the headline is NOT misleading and the article is NOT disappointing.
This Girl Has MOXIE
MOXIE (pronounced mox-ee) is a noun that means "force of character, determination, or nerve." When you see the before and after pictures below, you will understand why a more perfect name has never been given to a dog. MOXIE is a one-and-a-half-year-old Boxer/Pitty/Anatolian Shepherd mix who weighs about 60 pounds. MOXIE was in really bad shape when she came to PC Pound Puppies in Mt. Vernon, Indiana just over three months ago. By the look of her then, "in really bad shape" seems like a big understatement. Use whatever words you want to describe her before condition - the one word I have no problem using to describe her after condition is miraculous.
What is MOXIE's Current Condition?
According to an update on the PC Pound Puppies Facebook page, MOXIE's infections are practically gone, almost all of her hair is back, and she has gained a much-needed 20lbs. MOXIE is about halfway done with a six-month treatment for heartworms, and she needs oil and Apoquel in her food once a day, most likely for the rest of her life. All of her necessary vetting has been completed other than her spay, which will be done after her heartworm treatment.

The most important thing to say about MOXIE is that she is ready for adoption! Her adoption fee is $175, which covers worming, vaccines, spay, heartworm test, and microchip. If you're interested in adopting MOXIE, you need to first fill out an application at pcpoundpuppies.com. Visit PC Puppies on Facebook to learn more about this girl's sweet personality.
Are You Ready to See Miraculous MOXIE?
Before & After Pictures of Moxie's Miraculous Recovery
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