It may seem petty to dislike an entire sports team based on one individual who roots for them. If this is the case, I am super petty. In no particular order, here are some teams I dislike because of an individual or individuals who likes them: Tennessee Titans, San Francisco 49ers, St Louis Cardinals (although that one comes natural due to my Cubs fandom), and the newest team to my list, the Philadelphia Eagles.

Apparently, I'm not alone though as many of our listeners have their reasons for disliking certain teams. They weighed in on our Facebook page and let their voice be heard! Here are some of the best ones!

Jason says "Any SEC football team. Because of eSECpn!"

He's not wrong; ESPN loves them some SEC.

Thomas finally found validation in his dislike: "I've never liked the Cowboys and now Jerry Jones makes it so much easier."

Finally, Tracy feels super strong about Joe Buck: "I hate Joe Buck because he always kisses the Packers butts. And I hate the Packers."

Do you have any of your own stories? Share below!

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