Evansville’s Firefighter of the Year is…
The Green River Kiwanis Club held a breakfast meeting today, to announce Evansville's Firefighter of the Year.
Mayor Winnecke made the announcement:
Congratulations to Evansville firefighter Tony Knight on being named Green River Kiwanis’ 2018 Firefighter of the Year! Knight, a 16-year veteran of the Department and Captain on Engine 1. Captain Knight received a wall plague from Kiwanis and a $100 Check from “On the Spot” Utility Resources LLC, an evening out from Evansville Firefighters Credit Union and a Firefighter of the year Ring from Local 357. The Green River Kiwanis will also erect a billboard with his picture, proclaiming his accomplishment. The billboard, courtesy of Lamar Advertising, will be at a location to be announced and should be in place by early April. Captain Knight, was one of eight nominees for this year’s award. The other nominees are: Mike Bacon, Dan Brown, Chad Buttry, Rodney Frye, Clint Hoskins, Patrick Moore, and Jim Pauli. Knight is the 38th recipient of this annual award.