I was scrolling through Facebook when a post popped out at me, horror themed pies.  Now if you know me you know I'm a huge fan of horror, so this was right up my alley. I immediately reached out to the creator because I had to learn more. It turns out the creator is a woman named Rachel Weagant, and she's pretty badass.

Rachel Weagant creator of Scream and Sugar Pies
Rachel Weagant creator of Scream and Sugar Pies


She's from Ontario and has always been an artist of the spookier/creepy things in life.  She one day made a pie for her metal loving boyfriend that had devil horns, and thus her pie creations took on a life of their own.  If there's a horror movie you love, there's a good chance Rachel has created a pie inspired by that movie.  You can follow her incredible work on Instagram @ScreamAndSugerPies.   When I say her work is incredible, I'm not kidding! She is so talented. Check out some of her work below.  These pies will send chills down your spine!

Check Out These Incredible Horror Pies

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