Annual WNIN Action Auction Starts Sunday!
Can you believe that WNIN's Action Auction has been around for over 40 years? That's amazing! The 44th annual auction begins this Sunday, April 23rd and runs through Saturday, April 29th.
What I think I love the most about the auction is how is has become a tradition for so many people/families. I didn't grow up here, so it doesn't really hold a particularly special place in my heart. But for my wife, it brings back some really great memories. It reminds her of watching the auction with her Old Dad (that's her dad's dad). He would buy items every time. Now she will sit and watch, and usually not even bid - she just likes to watch.
You're invited to watch each night from 6pm-10pm. You'll have the chance to bid on a plethora of items, including vacations, home decor, sporting events, concert tickets and more. Learn more about this year's auction here.
And make sure you're watching from 6p-7:30p on Friday, April 28th, that's when Stacey and I will be hosting a segment. We want those phones to ring and those bids to be flying in!