If you are of a certain age, you probably don't even remember what time the school day began or ended. I feel like it was just 8:00 AM - 3: 00 PM. Currently, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation elementary schools like Scott start at 8:15 AM and end at 3:10 PM. Those times will be changing for the next school year.

What is Changing?
Basically, the start of the school day and the end of school will be slightly later for elementary school students within the EVSC. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, the younger students will start class at 8:30 AM and will end the school day at 3:25 PM.
School Bus Drivers Needed
Transportation to and from school is important. Indiana has struggled to hire and keep good drivers over the past few years. It is no easy job, trust me, I tried to drive one, and I will leave it to the professionals.
I reached out to Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation's Chief Communication Officer, Jason Woebkenberg, and he shared the letter that parents of EVSC students have received.
Reason For The Time Change
For the past several years there has been a nationwide shortage of school bus drivers. This has been felt in our local area as well, resulting in over 50 fewer EVSC bus drivers from pre-pandemic levels. As a response to this shortage, we have made multiple routing adjustments, increased driver compensation and ordered new buses that include both regular and wheelchair seating that will allow us to combine certain routes. Another way we plan to address this issue is by making a slight adjustment to the elementary school day, starting next school year. The new elementary school start time will be 8:30 with dismissal being at 3:25. We understand some parents have work schedules that will not allow them to drop off closer to the new start time, so please know accommodations will be made in these situations. For parents who drive their child or children to school in the morning, elementary schools are developing plans for supervision for these students. You will be receiving specific information by this Thursday from your child’s school about their new morning drop off process.
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