What Store, Restaurant, or Business That Has Closed, Do You Wish Was Still Opened?
Over the years, there have been businesses, restaurants, or stores in the Tri-State that have closed their doors that we all dearly miss. Can you think of any places you wish were still around and have fond memories of?
Do you remember Lazarus in the Eastland Mall? How about the delicious Al-La-Cart Deli on S. Green River Road, Evansville? That Miniature putt-putt golf place on Vogel and Green River Road? K-Mart in Evansville and Newburgh? Paradise Pavillion? Roberts Stadium? Can you think of any other places you wish were still around?
I have fond memories of an eatery in Newburgh called, Tooties. It was located in the old Princess Theater down by the Ohio River and then they relocated across from the Old Country Store. I miss both of those places!
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