Take A Look Inside These Creepy Abandoned Water Parks in Illinois
Water parks are fun and all, but when they get abandoned, they can take on a new life.
The water park (knows as Coco Key Waterpark) is located in Rockford, Illinois and was closed in 2015 due to several health code violations. In 2019 the water park was scheduled to be torn down, but the building that had the water park is still there. This video takes us inside that building and its creepy. With a huge amount of graffiti and broken glass everywhere, the once lively park is crumpling and falling apart.
***Before you watch the video be aware there are several bad words graffitied throughout the building. ***
Another Illinois water park that closed in the late 80's known as Ebenezer Floppen Slopper's Wonderful Water slides will just give you goose bumps. Covered in overgrown grass and weeds the video give us a tour of what's been left of the water park. This park is located in Oakbrook Terrance, Illinois just off Route 83. The park was closed for unknown reasons, was once a landfill before it become a water park.
These parks join several parks around the world that are just left by the owners to just sit. Some of been abandoned due to the amount of money it would take to fix issues, some abandoned due to Mother Nature and destroying them beyond repair. All that stands for many of these places are memories of what was, and it's really sad. Insider.com put together a list of several abandoned parks around the world that are nothing but space takers.
I mean, why wouldn't you just knock down these parks and out up a parking lot or something else in its place. It can't be good for looks of a town or tourism, or maybe it does. You have people that are obsessed with abandoned buildings, maybe they stay up for them, who knows. But the photos and videos that are taken from these building are pretty awesome to look at.