The 4th of July is an exciting time for many of us but it could also cause issues with many of the area pets. The Vanderburg Humane Society gave some easy tips to help protect your pet this weekend!

According to the VHS website here are some tips for the 4th of July Weekend:

"- Keep a properly-fitted collar and up-to-date tags on dogs & cats at all times, regardless of whether they are indoor or outdoor.

- Get your pets microchipped. The VHS offers $25 microchips every Saturday morning at the Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. (There will be NO Clinic on Saturday, July 2nd.) If your pet is chipped, be sure your address & phone number
are up-to-date with the microchip company!

- Keep your pets in an interior room of your home, preferably with no windows, during celebrations & fireworks. Turn on low background noise such as a radio or television.

- Be sure windows & screens are secure where your pet cannot bust through them if panicked.

- Do not EVER leave pets unattended outdoors or in vehicles under any circumstances. Do not take your pet to loud, crowded celebrations. They would rather be at home.

- If your pet has a known fear of fireworks or loud noise, consider investing in a Thundershirt. Talk to your veterinarian about potential anxiety medications or pheromone treatments to ease their discomfort around the 4th.

- Be proactive! Don't think "it can't happen to us." It can. Be vigilant and take every precaution."

More pets are reported missing on July 5th then any other day of the year. If you happened to lose your pet, the VHS recommends that you 1st check out the Facebook page "Evansville Lost Pets" or the Faebook page in your town.

If that doesn't work, you can contact the VHS on Tuesday at (812) 426-2563

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