Oh Boy! Here’s How You Can Name Mesker Park Zoo’s Baby Penguin
The baby penguin chick that was born in April at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden needs a name.
Baby Penguin Gender Reveal
In the bird world, you can't just tell if it is a boy or girl right off the bat. In order to determine the sex of the chick, a blood sample has been sent to be evaluated. Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden has been building the suspense for three months, and now we can reveal that the baby penguin is a boy.
Name the Penguin Fundraiser
This very special baby penguin needs your help in naming him. Zoo officials have five names picked out and your donations and votes will determine his name.
I really wanted PingWing on the list, so instead I will vote for Pickle!
- Louie
- Maverick
- Jester
- Rocky
- Pickle
Here's How to Vote:
First, head over to MeskerParkZoo.com. You'll see the 'DONATE NOW' button in the top right corner.
This will take you to the poll and fundraiser.
Choose 'Name the Penguin'. Each vote for a name is $2.00, and you can vote as much as you would like. Next, use the drop-down tab to select your favorite name for the baby boy penguin.
Voting will be live through Monday, July 31, 2023. The winning name will be announced on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. #VotePickle
Read More: Evansville, IN Mesker Park Zoo Gives Update on Baby Penguin 2023
Read More: Did You Know You Can Feed Penguins at Evansville Indiana's Zoo?
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