Kisska – Stray from L.A. Still Needs an Evansville Forever Home
Last month we introduced you to Kisska, the Evansville rescue that ended up a stray in L.A. She had been micro chipped by It Takes a Village, so they were contacted by the kill shelter in California. Arrangements for her trip back to Indiana were made, and Kisska arrived at It Takes a Village January 19, 2020.
We had a meet and greet at Pet Food Center, and she loves people - Other dogs, not so much. She is around 8 years old and just loves to be a lap dog. After we featured her as our Pet of the Week, I thought she would be scooped up for sure. On Valentine's Day, ITV posted a photo of sweet Kisska, giving out kisses for donations. I checked with Tammy from ITV this morning, and Kisska is still looking for her forever home.
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This makes me so sad. If I thought that my Harlie wouldn't mind her being around, I'd take her home. Harlie is a self-proclaimed only child.
If you would like to adopt or foster any of the doggies at It takes a Village, you'll need to fill out an application.

It Takes a Village:
Tuesdays 12-5 pm
Wednesdays 12-7 pm
Thursdays 12-5 pm
Fridays 12-5 pm
Saturdays 10am-5 pm
We are located at:
1417 N. Stockwell Road
Evansville, Indiana 47715
812-909-1306 during business hours
After hours, you can leave a voicemail at 812-250-WAGS
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