How to Sponsor an Overnight Stay at the Evansville Rescue Mission for Someone in Need
People donate to charity for a number of reasons - maybe they have a personal connection to an organization, or maybe they recognize that they've been blessed financially and want to put that extra money to good use. Regardless of our motivation and regardless of the amount we give, we all want to know that our money is going to a good cause, and is going to make a difference.
In most cases, we don't know exactly how our money is going to be used. We might have a general idea of how an organization uses monetary donations, but it's rare that know upfront precisely what kind of difference our donation will make. That's one reason why I love this fundraiser at the Evansville Rescue Mission so much. They're telling us exactly how much money they need, and exactly how they are going to use it.
For less than $25, you can have a direct impact on the life of someone in need in Evansville, by sponsoring/providing an overnight stay at the Evansville Rescue Mission. Your donation of just $23.26 will allow a neighbor in need to get off the street and out of the cold. That stay will include dinner & breakfast, a shower, clean clothing, and a safe place to rest their head. It's hard to think of something more neighborly than that - and who knew it was so inexpensive? At that rate, you could probably afford to purchase a handful of nights, couldn't you?

I've learned from working with several non-profit organizations over the years, meeting so many people in need, that you just never know what kind of impact your generosity will have on someone's life. Your act of kindness might be the exact thing that person needed in their life at the exact moment. It could be the thing that turns their life around or at least gets them going in the right direction. Maybe that sounds a little bit dramatic, but you just never know friend, you never know.
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