As the mercury drops and the looming chill of winter sets in, the homeless population of Evansville faces increasingly difficult times.

White Flag: Evansville Rescue Mission

The White Flag program, a cornerstone of the Evansville Rescue Mission's efforts, signifies their preparedness to open their doors to more men, ensuring no one is left exposed to the harsh elements when the wind chill reaches 35 degrees or the air temperature drops to the same level. By extending their shelter capacity during these critical weather conditions, the mission aims to provide a safe and warm space for individuals seeking refuge from the biting cold.

PHOTO: canva \ erm
PHOTO: canva \ erm

Beyond their White Flag initiative, the Downtown facility of the Evansville Rescue Mission continues to serve as a sanctuary for a diverse range of individuals. Men, women, teenagers, and children are welcomed into the facility, where they are provided with three nourishing hot meals daily, irrespective of the season or weather conditions.

White Flag: United Caring Services

Located at 324 NW 6th Street, United Caring Services has devised a proactive strategy to cater to the surge in demand during frigid nights. By converting their existing day shelter, they plan to accommodate an additional 45-50 beds, ensuring that nobody is left out in the cold during the biting winter nights.

canva | ucs
canva | ucs

To facilitate easy awareness within the community, the shelter has established a simple yet effective system. A symbolic white flag will be prominently displayed outside the shelter building, serving as a visible indicator that the White Flag program is in operation.

10 Services Your Evansville Rescue Mission Provides

Your Evansville Rescue Mission is so much more than a men's homeless shelter. They provide a lot of services to give a hand up, not a handout. ERM has been serving Evansville, Indiana for over 100 years, thanks to volunteers.

Gallery Credit: Liberty

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