How Much Does It Cost to Operate Your Own Chick-Fil-A Franchise?
Folks in Evansville are excited to welcome another Chick-Fil-A restaurant to town! The new location will be at the former Burger King building on the corner of Rosenberger Avenue and the Lloyd Expressway on the west side.
Construction is expected to start in August. In the meantime, Chick-Fil-A is still looking for a franchise operator. Have your ever wanted your own Chick-Fil-A restaurant? Well here's your chance. But what does is take to be a franchise operator? It's not necessarily a complicated process, but you should know that Chick-Fil-A is pretty about who they hand the keys over to. I can tell you that is does take at least $10,000...that's the initial investment for would-be operators.
So if you have an extra $10K you could be on your way. Visit Chick-Fil-A.com if you'd like to learn more about the application process and to get your foot in the proverbial franchise door.
Thank you for reading this...it's been my pleasure to share this information with you!
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