We discovered that we have another vacation to the beautiful Holiday Inn Resort in Panama City Beach, Florida that we need to give away. So we're doing another app exclusive contest. You do have our app, right? No? You better download it!

Once you have the app, we need you to send us some audio, which is super easy to to by the way. Tell us your name and where you listen to MY105.3 while you're working (be specific...give your business a shout out). Whether you work in an office, on a work site or on the road, we want to hear from you. Maybe you're a stay at home parent or maybe you're a student. That is certainly hard work, and we want to hear about that too! Here's an example of what we're looking for...

"Hi this is (insert name) and I listen to MY105.3 while I'm working at (insert job/business)"...or..."Hi this is (insert name) and MY105.3 gets me through the day while I work at (insert job/business"

And don't wait to do this...the submission deadline is Wednesday, October 2nd. We will announce the winner during the MY Morning Show on Thursday, October 3rd. The winner will receive a 3 day, 2 night stay at the beautiful Holiday Inn Resort in Panama City Beach, Florida!

How to submit audio through the MY105.3 app

  1. Download the app
  2. Open the app
  3. Tap on the three lines in the top left hand corner to drop down a menu
  4. Choose "Submit Photo/Video/Audio"
  5. Fill in the info on the form and then tap "Select and Submit Media Now"
  6. Choose "Record Short Audio Clip"
  7. Tap the 'Rec' button and do your thing
  8. Finally, tap 'Submit' and you're good to go!


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