Fresh Strawberries at Wright’s Berry Farm in Newburgh
So, this was my plan. Purchase some already-picked fresh strawberries from the Wright's Berry Farm in Newburgh. When I arrived there, they didn't have any available. My options: Come back later in the morning or grab a bucket and pick my own! So here's what I decided to do:
I grabbed a bucket and began walking down rows and rows of strawberry patches to pick my own fresh strawberries! The pickings were getting slim and the berries weren't huge, but, in the end, it's all about the taste, right? When I got home, I washed a handful and to my palate's delight, they didn't disappoint me. They were firm and sweet! Yummy!
I had told Mike (my hubby) about my pickin' fresh strawberries at the farm earlier that day. When I got home from work, he had made some homemade strawberry shortcake! Fresh strawberries never tasted so good! It was super duper delicious!
You can visit Wright's Berry Farm on 5233 Anderson Road in Newburgh, IN. You can check their Facebook page for more information or call them 812-853-6408.
FYI - They won't be selling strawberries until possibly this Friday (May 26). They will have some fruits and veggies available in mid-June/July - blueberries, local peaches, watermelons, cantaloupes, honeydews, tomatoes, and more.
#SupportLocalFarmers #FreshStrawberries #LocalProduce #WrightsBerryFarm
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