EVSC Will Discuss The Reopening Plan on Facebook Live Tonight
Parents with students in the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation found out on Friday that the start of school was pushed back from August 5, to August 19. Today, July 21, they are hoping to get more of their specific questions answered about the reopening process. Superintendent Dr. David Smith will discuss the reopening plan during a Facebook live at 5:00 P.M.
I think we all kind saw this coming, and now it's official: EVSC will now begin the 20/21 school year on August 19, 2020, not the original date of August 5, 2020. This is due to the rising numbers of positive COVID-19 cases. Dr. Smith said, "I implore the residents of Vanderburgh County to take the steps necessary to reverse the trajectory that we've seen."
- There will still be 180 days in the school calendar
- This includes students enrolled in Virtual Academy
- Outdoor Extracurriculars such as sports and band will continue unless changes need to be made

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