EVSC Tells Parents To Expect Bus Delays, Due To Construction
It's almost impossible to avoid construction in Evansville right now, and that will affect buses on the road next week. Last night, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation sent communication to parents in the North High School district, advising them to expect delays after school.
From EVSC:
Please be aware that we anticipate some minor travel delays during dismissal at all schools in the North High School attendance district once school starts next Wednesday. This is due to the major road construction projects around North High School. We are working with county officials and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office to help with this traffic congestion. This will also impact the elementary schools in the North district because they wait for their buses to arrive after dropping off students from North and the junior high. We appreciate your patience during this time. Please know we will do everything possible to ensure a smooth dismissal process at all schools affected by these road construction projects.