Evansville Police Increasing Patrols in High Risk Intersections Through Jan. 31st
In an effort to keep everyone safe while making their way across the city, the Evansville Police Department have announced they'll continue to have increased patrols of the higher crash intersections around town.
The Department announced the patrols in a press release Friday morning saying the extension (the campaign initially began in December) was being funded through Traffic Safety Enforcement grant by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. Officers in those areas will primarily be looking for aggressive drivers (speeding, weaving between lanes, etc.), drivers and passengers not wearing their seatbelts, as well as drivers who appear to have made the poor decision to get behind the wheel after one too many drinks.
The patrols began January 2nd (2021) and will continue around the clock until January 31st. The press release did not specify exactly which intersections in the city are considered "high crash," but I would imagine many of them are on the east side of town. The Lloyd and Burkhardt is the first to come to my mind, as does Green River and Morgan, and Lynch and Green River. Wherever they are, be mindful of how you proceed through all intersections. Not because you may get caught by the EPD, but because you want to make sure you and everyone else on the road get to where they are going safely.
[Source: Evansville Police Department Press Release]