If you have ever been in an accident or emergency situation, you know that the stress level can escalate very quickly. Parents of children with sensory issues know to use special techniques to help keep them calm. When they go off to school, teachers may not have the proper tools to communicate with special needs children. Evansville mom, Kelsey Schapker developed sensory kits that local agencies are now utilizing.
I used to work at Sky Zone, and we regularly hosted special play days for children with autism or sensory issues and their families. I learned a lot about how some everyday things can trigger kids with sensory issues. We dimmed the lighting, turned off the music, and provided paper towels, instead of the loud hand dryers.
I can only imagine how traumatic it was for Kelsey and her 4-year-old son Camden when they were almost hit head-on in traffic. He has autism and it can be difficult for him to communicate and feel calm. That inspired her to make the CAMSE kit that includes a weighted animal, a Pop-It, stickers, stacking blocks, and a fidjigami.
The kits are already in use by the Posey County Sheriff's Department. Now the Evansville Police Department’s Juvenile Unit has the CAMSE kits and will use them along with officers in EVSC schools.
EPD’s Juvenile Unit receives sensory kits!
Evansville mom Kelsey Schapker developed sensory equipment kits for kids and young adults with special needs in the event of a tragedy or crisis.
The kits have been placed in the Evansville Police Department’s Juvenile Unit; the kits will help the school liaison officers keep a student calm and appropriately communicate with an individual with autism or special needs. They serve multiple schools in the EVSC.
The kits are named on behalf of Kelsey’s son, Camden, who received an Autism diagnosis and would struggle to communicate his needs in the event of an emergency.
The kit, known as a CAMSE Kit, (short for Cam’s Sensory Equipment) is designed to keep kids with autism and other sensory challenges, calm.
The kit includes a weighted animal, a Pop-It, stickers, stacking blocks, and a fidjigami, among other items.
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