Evansville Animal Control is FULL, In Urgent Need of Help!
If you've ever considered fostering or adopting, now is this time! Let's get these animals to safety!
Once again Evansville Animal Control is full, and have no open kennels. Difficult decisions have to be made, which means animals will have to be euthanized. It's the heartbreaking reality. Dogs like Camo (pictured above) need a foster or adopter!
If you are able to foster/adopt now is the time to do it. If you've been considering, but unsure, fostering is a great way to help without the full commitment! You keep the pet at your house, take care of it, while the rescues cover the vet bills, you just give the pet a loving home until they find their forever home.
From Another Chance for Animals:
We HAVE to move some dogs out ASAP or we’re going to lose them. There are a total of 11 dogs past their stray hold that need to leave today! All dogs available to leave are pictured below. If you want to foster one of the dogs below, send us a message ASAP!
We don’t have time to waste! We need fosters now more than ever! If you’ve been thinking about fostering, now is the time. You will literally be saving the life of a homeless dog!
Fostering doesn’t cost you anything except food and space in your home. All medical costs are covered by ACA. As the foster, you have first choice of adopting. Should you decide to not adopt, we just ask you get them to PetSmart adoption events on the weekends after they have been fully vetted.
And take a visit to animal control, you just might fall in love and adopt your furry best friend!
I understand that sometimes you aren't in a place to foster or adopt, and that's okay, there are many other ways you can help as well. Volunteer, donate, or just share the shelters info on social media to help these animals out. Raising awareness is also important!
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