During the workday, I have to snack.  Normally, I brown bag my lunch from home and then keep snacks at my desk, in case I get hungry after lunch!   

Here at Townsquare Media, we have a Snack Room where we can grab anything from fresh fruit, animal crackers, popcorn, pretzels, and more!  It's very nice that our company does that, too.  But, I also like to keep extra snacks at my desk, ya know, my own personal stash.  How about you?

Here's our Townsquare Media Snack Room!

Townsquare Media Snack Room - credit by Deb Turner
Townsquare Media Snack Room - credit by Deb Turner

Pictured Below:  Deb's desk with one of her favorite snacks - Raisins!

Deb's snack - credit by Deb Turner
Deb's snack - credit by Deb Turner

Of course, I love chocolate and chocolate covered raisins, but, I try not snack on that stuff on a daily basis!

What do you like to snack on during the workday or at home during the day?



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