KY and IN Smokers: If You’re Traveling Overseas, This Will Help Map Out Your Smoke Breaks!
I am not a smoker. My husband Kevin is. He is basically the updated (and far less rugged) version of the Marlboro Man. He chain smokes Marlboro Light 100s and, while most international travelers pack foreign currency and passports in their carry-on luggage, Kevin stuffs a carton of cigs in his.
Yes, we travel a lot and are overseas about one or two times per year. I am my own travel planner. I love to research destinations and everything about them.
For instance, Kevin, a few friends and I are leaving in about three weeks to go to the Middle East. I have put the entire trip and itinerary together. I have mapped out the best destinations, booked all of our hotel rooms, learned the public transit systems in the cities we're visiting. We are just about ready to roll and tackle Greece, Turkey, Israel and Cyprus.

Part of my international travel planning involves finding Kevin places to smoke inside the airports we're visiting. Now, if you're from the United States, you are well aware that there are VERY few airports domestically that have designated smoking areas. That's actually not the case overseas.
Most international airports have smoking areas and there's a fantastic online tool that will help you find them. I find it quite hilarious that I can admit to you that I routinely use AirportSmokers.com as a valuable travel resource.
This website is friggin' brilliant. Not only does it provide the most up-to-date smoker/user information about which terminals having smoking areas and which don't, it actually rates each international airport on a scale of burning cigarettes. No, I'm not kidding. Look!
On our upcoming trip, we are flying from JFK in New York City to Brussels. That's the first leg of our trip. According to AirportSmokers.com, Brussels only rates FIVE cigarettes.
And, as I mentioned, the site also provides user-generated updates about the accessibility of smoking rooms. In Brussels, there's rather limited accessibility.
Case in point, in March of this year, Andrea said of BRU, "Two smoking booths are still available near gate A30 downstairs."
I know as soon as we land, Kevin will be in a full on nicotine-craved sprint to find those two booths, just like he did in 2021 when we flew into Paris en route to a Kenyan safari.
He couldn't climb into this chimney stack fast enough.
In case you ever fly into Charles de Gaulle Airport and need a quick cig, know that you are going to enter one of these bizarre looking chambers. As you can see by Kevin's smile, he was happy to finally get off the plane and inside the booth to set his lungs on fire.
He's not alone. My good friend Donna Conley use to be a smoker. She shared, "When I was a smoker, the first thing I did in airports was find a hot box!"
So, if you're traveling internationally and want to map out the closest 'hot box' nearest you, check out AirportSmokers.com. It's a resource that, to date, has never let me or the Marlboro Man down.