5 Reasons You Need Vote in the Indiana Primary Election
It's not enough to put a sign in your yard, you actually need to VOTE.
A lot of people don't consider the Primary Election to be very important. But, when there are important races, like Mayor, going on it it very important to have your voice be heard.
Take my hometown of Princeton, IN for example; There are seven people running for the the chance to be the Mayor...Seven! The field will be narrowed to two, that will face off in November. There are so many reasons to vote in the Primary, but here are 5:
1. Fewer voters make your vote carry more weight.
2. Sometimes, there are measures that are placed to a vote, only on the Primary ballot.
3. You really can't complain about the outcome, if you don't vote.
4. The Primary allows you to have a say in which candidate each party backs.
5. It's your public duty, and yes, even 1 vote can make a difference.
The Indiana Primary is Tuesday, May 7 2019, but early and absentee voting is happening now.
What Do I Need to Bring to the Polls?
This is very important! Make sure you bring a valid government ID. There are some fine print details to keep in mind: Check your expiration date. If it's current or has expired since the last general election, you're good to go.
What if My Name or Address is Different on My ID?
Name Changed - If your name is on the poll list but it has changed (example: due to marriage, divorce or adoption), you may vote a regular ballot if you sign the poll book with the new name or if an electronic poll book is used, signing an affidavit provided by election officials.
Moved within the precinct - If your name is on the poll list but you have moved within the same precinct, you may vote a regular ballot if you sign the poll book with the new address or if an electronic poll book is used, signing an affidavit provided by election officials.
Moved but still live in the same county and congressional district – If you moved to another precinct that is still in the same county and congressional district regardless of when you moved, you may vote a regular ballot at your old precinct one last time. You must sign an affidavit provided by local election officials or make an oral affirmation of these facts in the presence of the precinct election board before proceeding to vote.
Moved within the State of Indiana less than 30 days before the election - If you moved to another precinct in Indiana less than 30 days before the election, you may vote a regular ballot in your old precinct, one last time, by signing an affidavit provided by local election officials.
Moved outside the State of Indiana less than 30 days before a presidential election – If you moved from an Indiana precinct to a new residence outside of Indiana less than 30 days before Election Day, you may vote at your old precinct one last time by signing an affidavit provided by local election officials. However, you will only be given a ballot to vote for president and vice president. This fail-safe does not apply in any 2018 election.
Should any of the above listed fail-safes to vote a regular ballot not apply to you, then you may vote by provisional ballot.