Evansville CVS Location Offering COVID-19 Testing
CVS Pharmacy is in the process of expanding its ability to provide COVID-19 tests to its locations across the country, and beginning today Indiana residents will have the opportunity to get the test at locations around the state including two in Evansville.
According to the CVS Health website, testing will be available at the St. Joe Avenue location only.
The testing being offered is a self-swab. Meaning that you will pull up to the drive-thru window, and a CVS employee will hand you the test kit, then instruct you on how to administer the test which involves placing a long cotton swab up one of your nostrils.
In order to get a test, you must make an appointment through the CVS website, no just driving up and asking for one. Once you select the state you live in from the drop-down menu, you'll be taken to a questionnaire where you're asked to input your birth date, and answer a series of questions about whether or not you are currently showing any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19. You'll also be asked yes or no questions regarding whether or not you work you have any pre-existing conditions, or work around people who are considered high-risk for catching the virus.
CVS says patients "should not have any out-of-pocket costs," but recommends checking with your health insurance provider to be sure before booking an appointment. They also say the results should take anywhere between two and four days to return.
Also something to keep in mind, if you have multiple family members needing or wanting a test, you must make an appointment for each family member. You can't just make one appointment and load everyone into the car expecting to get a test for everyone.
Once your appointment is booked, CVS says you'll need to show proof of your identity and birth date, along with your appointment confirmation by either email or text, so make sure to have your mobile phone on you.
[Source: CVS Pharmacy]

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