Toss Your Trash Responsibly at Recycle Day on March 9th
This Saturday, March 9th, the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District will hold its Recycling Day at the old Walmart parking lot on University Drive on Evansville's west side from 8am-12n.
Acceptable items to recycle
- Newspaper
- junk mail
- Cardboard
- magazines & catalogs
- Aluminum cans
- steel cans
- #1 - #7 plastic containers
These items will NOT be accepted
- No Styrofoam or plastic bags
- No glass containers
Please make sure your items are clean and sorted. And if you can't make it to this recycling event, there will be another one on Saturday, April 6th, in the same location.
[Source: Twitter/City of Evansville]
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