When are Southern Indiana Official Trick or Treat Days and Times 2022?
Back in my day, we would trick or treat as many days as we could. That sometimes meant going to public events or making Halloween last at least two nights. Halloween is on a Monday this year, so I'm sure that we will see little ninjas and princesses in neighborhoods on Sunday, and maybe even Saturday.
The First Rule of Trick or Treating
If you want trick-or-treaters to come to your house, make sure your porch light is on. Usually, the kids will head out around 4:00 PM and they could be out looking for candy until 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM. Oh, and if you run out of candy, don't forget to turn that light out.
Halloween Safety
If you are going to let your kids trick or treat, make sure you visit neighborhoods that you are familiar with. Bring your flashlight! The light from your phone will not be bright enough once the sun sets. Of course, you should check the candy, to make sure that none has been tampered with. And as a parent fee, you might need to take some of that sugar off of their hands. See the wine and Halloween candy guide below.
- Costume Safety - If your child has a dark costume, try to add some reflective tape Make sure they can see through the mask. Check the length of the costume, too. Some of them are very easy to trip on.
- Pet Safety - If you are going to have trick-or-treaters or even a party at your house, make sure your pets don't escape.
Evansville Trick or Treat Info
Mayor Winnecke and the Evansville Police Department have stated in the past that there are no set hours for trick-or-treating in the city of Evansville.
City of Princeton Trick or Treat Info
In the city of Princeton, there are set days and times for trick or treating. Sunday, October 30, and Monday, October 31 from 4:00 PM-8:00 PM each day. If you are offering treats, don't forget to turn your porch light on.
Town of Newburgh Trick or Treat Info
In years past, I have noticed that the Newburgh Police Department has posted 'Recommended' hours for trick or treating. This flyer was shared in My Hometown Newburgh, IN Facebook Group, and it was from the town newsletter.

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