What's going on?

2025 OVC Basketball Tournament Returns to Evansville!
Here's everything you need to know about the 2025 OVC basketball tournament March 5-8 in Evansville!

Support Evansville Youth at 33rd Annual YMCA 'Pancake Days' Event
Fill up on all-you-can-eat pancakes at the 33rd Annual Pancake Days event with the Evansville YMCA and Dream Center.

Study Says IN & KY are Among the Least Educated States in America
A study of the most and least educated states in America was recently released, and the report card is NOT good for Indiana and Kentucky.

EVSC’s Snow Day Plan What Synchronous Learning Means for Students
This new plan for winter weather closings might be needed as early as this week. So, make sure your kids bring home their school devices and chargers!

Win Tickets to Addams Family Musical in Owensboro
Join Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, and Uncle Fester for a night of laughter and unexpected events at The Addams Family musical. Here's how to win tickets.

Charlotte’s Brave Battle: How St. Jude Gave Her Hope
Become a monthly donor by pledging just $19 a month to help kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital fight cancer. CALL 1-800-372-4999 or TEXT the word JUDE to 62-62-62

Fly Through Security! How to Get TSA PreCheck at EVV
Don’t miss this chance to simplify your travel experience!